Just allow yourself to imagine this for a moment…
It’s 3 months from now. You’ve learned how to have a pro producer mindset inside and outside the studio. You’ve cultivated the habits that get reliable and consistent results for you.
You’ve optimized your studio workflow as well as the way you use your time and manage your attention to get things done. You learn faster, work faster and get better as a producer faster.
You’re starting to see results and feel a wonderful momentum build up in your music work, business and career.
So, just how did you manage to achieve this in such a short time?
Well, as you can imagine, it started with the one crucial decision you had to make. The decision you made to commit to your music and business as a producer. If you’ve already made this decision then you’re well on your way to success as a producer. If you haven’t made that decision then I challenge you to do it.
Yes, right now at this very moment!
It’s not a project or a plan. It’s a decision that can be made in an instant.
Simply decide that you will commit fully right here and right now to your music, your business and your music production goals and dreams. No ifs and buts. Full commitment.
Yes, as you probably know by now, the doubts will come, challenges will arise, obstacles will be there every day.
You have now however decided that you’ll stick to your guns in spite of all resistance. You have a vision of being a successful thriving optimized producer and you’ll achieve that status no matter what.
Now, I know this is rather a large commitment to make, even if you’re committing to yourself and your dreams. You may not be sure how you’re going to achieve this or even if you’re able to stick to the commitment you’ve made. That’s all fine.
The most important thing is that you start with the decision. Become clear about what you want to achieve and why. Commit to it. The how, where and when of it will become apparent soon!
If you’re struggling with this then write down the following and put it where you can see it and repeat it often to yourself until you believe it:
“I, [ENTER YOUR FULL NAME HERE], am a successful, fully optimized producer. I produce and release new tracks often and on a consistent basis. I get better and better with music production fast, without effort, all the time.”
In fact, even if you’re not struggling it’s a good idea to keep the above vision front-and-center in the stereo field of your mind.
So, since you’re still reading this by now I trust you’ve decided to become a thriving optimized producer and you have a good idea of why you want to do it.
Don’t even bother reading any further if you haven’t. The rest of this page only applies to you if you’ve made the commitment to yourself.